This page was set up to centralize all information regarding CeLTA during the coronavirus crisis. We are constantly updating the site. If you cannot find the information you were looking for, please send an email to Also, please connect with us through Facebook or Twitter. For general information, please visit: MSU coronavirus information
General Office Information
- We are working in a hybrid format during the fall semester of 2021. Our front desk will not be staffed. F2f appointments are on an appointment-only basis.
- You can reach any CeLTA staff or faculty member directly via email or MS Teams. If you are not sure who to contact, email
- Conversation hours are currently suspended.
- We will offer a variety of programs and professional development online.
Community Language School (CLS)
- CLS classes, programs and events will be online-only for the time being.
- Visit our website here for more information!
LCTL and Indigenous Languages Partnership
- The Pedagogical Workshops will not occur until further notice.
- Be on the lookout for future offerings of courses through the Online Language Teaching Initiative!
- Contact us if you don’t currently receive updates on SLCTLS and OLT courses!