The Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA) has teamed up with the Abrams Planetarium to bring star shows in various languages to language instructors at Michigan State University.

Check out this collaborative article that came out of our partnership and highlights how language instructors have shaped their planetarium visits.

To see which star shows are offered in which languages, visit our database of shows. The database indicates shows that are already available at the planetarium, as well as shows that the planetarium might be able to acquire upon request. If you would like to request a star show in a language that the planetarium does not yet offer, please complete this online request form.

Please email CeLTA’s Assistant Director, Caitlin Cornell ( with any questions you have.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it always free for instructors and students to reserve a class visit? 

Class visits and regular student club meetings are free of charge, as long as the planetarium has the show available. For special events requiring additional setup or private shows, standard event rates apply.

When do instructors/students incur costs?

Costs may arise if a show not freely available is requested, as licensing fees may apply. The planetarium requires funding to procure such shows. Note that the European Southern Observatory offers many free shows that can be downloaded and installed.

Are scripts provided for all shows? 

Scripts availability depends on the show’s producer and translator. Shows with available scripts are marked with an * in the database.

What audio options do shows offer?

Shows usually come with a pre-recorded audio track. The planetarium is open to working with students or faculty interested in learning to deliver star talks in a specific language. 

What is the process and timeline for requesting and acquiring new shows? 

The process varies based on the show and its producer. For some shows, especially those from the European Southern Observatory, it takes 1-2 weeks to download and then a day to swap the soundtrack. For others, the planetarium contacts the producer and awaits their response and the soundtrack delivery.