CeLTA Learning Communities

CeLTA engages in different types of learning communities. 

  1. Sometimes, CeLTA personnel facilitate learning communities sponsored under the learning community structure of MSU’s Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development
  2. Often, CeLTA personnel run our own learning communities directly within CeLTA.
  3. The CeLTA-supported National LCTL Resource Center runs a learning community for LCTL instructors. 
  4. Finally, our MSU campus partners are encouraged to apply to facilitate a CeLTA-supported learning community using our space and resources. 

Apply to facilitate a learning community with CeLTA

Would you like CeLTA’s support in hosting a language-related learning community? As examples, CeLTA support can range from financial support (e.g., buying books) to space reservation (designated meeting space, virtual, hybrid, or in-person), and publicity. If you have another idea of how CeLTA might support your learning community or if you have other questions, email us at celta@msu.edu.

The application deadline for AY 2024-25 learning communities has been extended to September 15. We accept applications for both semester- and year-long learning communities. Check back for the next deadline.

Current Learning Communities

  1. NLRC Learning Communities: Read about the NLRC Professional Learning Community for LCTL instructors.
  2. CeLTA Learning Communities: Read about the Thriving Language Programs and Enrollments in Higher Education