Foreign Language Teaching - Online MA & Certificate

CeLTA offers two graduate programs for current and aspiring language teachers, both fully online. The MAFLT was established in 2012 and has over 160 students and alumni who teach nearly 20 different languages. The FLT Certificate is newly available as of Fall 2021 and is now enrolling its first students. These programs incorporate a high degree of interactivity in coursework and through personal advising and mentoring sessions.
The FLT courses included in both programs focus on communicative and task-based language teaching principles and methods as well as computer-assisted language teaching, language assessment, intercultural competence, and language program administration. Through online instruction and collaboration with faculty members and peers, students in the program receive a solid foundation in second language acquisition (SLA) and applied linguistics and learn how SLA theories and research apply to current foreign language teaching approaches, methods, and materials design.

Master of Arts
in Foreign Language Teaching
Who can apply?
Anyone who is or wants to become an educator in the language teaching field and has earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Ideal for full-time teachers, career changers, and many others who want to challenge themselves and teach with a high degree of excellence and effectiveness.
What does it involve?
30 credits, including eight FLT courses, a customized Experiential Module project and an online FLT Portfolio.
Graduate Certificate
in Foreign Language Teaching
Who can apply?
Any current MSU graduate student or other individual who is or wants to become an educator in the language teaching field and holds a bachelor’s degree or higher. Ideal for teachers who have a master’s degree in a related field, those who need a few courses for professional licensure, and aspiring teachers just starting to deepen their knowledge and skills.
What does it involve?
10 credits, including 3 FLT courses and an online FLT Portfolio.
Are you looking for the CAL Certification in College Teaching? Click here: Certification for Future Faculty.