Cornell, C., Kronenberg, F., & Liu, S. (2024, October). The sky’s the limit: World language materials for your visit to the MSU planetarium. Michigan World Language Association. Lansing, MI, United States.
Heidrich Uebel, E. & Giupponi, L. (2024, May). Less commonly taught and Indigenous languages and CALL: Models of support. Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
Poole, F. (2024, May). Data analytics to explore the impact of a task-based digital game on learners’ affect. Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
Randez, R. & Cornell, C. (2024, March). Awareness, application, and advancement: A framework to advance equity for language learners with disabilities. 6th Annual Conference on Second-Language Learning and Disabilities. Boston, MA, United States (Remote).
Sommer-Farias, B. (2024, March). Genre knowledge development for in-service world language teachers. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Houston, TX, United States.
Cornell, C. (2023, November). Disability justice in world language classrooms. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.
Kronenberg, F. (2023, October). Supporting sustainable less commonly taught community-based language programs. [Plenary]. Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference. Washington D.C., United States (Hybrid).
Kronenberg, F. & Heidrich Uebel, E. (2023, November). Strategic and inter-institutional language course sharing. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference. Chicago, IL, United States.
Lanier, A. (2023, November). Less common, not inconsequential: Building on what less-commonly-taught languages (LCTLs) really share. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Chicago, IL, United States.
Lanier, A. (2023, October). Visible, vital, virtual, real: Envision interdisciplinary projects that promote your program. Michigan World Language Association. Lansing, MI, United States.
Poole, F. (2023, March). Data literacy and data-driven decision making for language teachers. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Portland, OR, United States.
Sommer-Farias, B., Brown, B. (2023, March). Leveraging authentic texts via genre pedagogies in the LCTL classroom. Southern Conference on Language Teaching. Mobile, AL, United States.
Cornell, C. (2022, October). Accessible input and inclusive interaction: Equitably lifting disabled language learners’ voices. Michigan World Language Association. Lansing, MI, United States.
Danks, J. & Lanier, A. (2022, March). Department of one: How isolated language teachers cope and collaborate. Central States Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages (Virtual).
Giupponi, L. & Heidrich Uebel, E. (2022, November). The pandemic as catalyst for pedagogical transformation. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference. Boston, MA, United States.
Kronenberg, F. (2022, October). Physical and hybrid language learning spaces in a digital world. Michigan World Language Association. Lansing, MI, United States.
Poole, F., Lanier, A., & Sommer-Farias, B. (2022, February). Using gather.town to re-imagine interaction in virtual and hybrid language learning. Midwest Association for Language Learning Technology Conference (Virtual).
Heidrich Uebel, E., Giupponi, L., & Van Gorp, K. (2021, August). Collaborating and innovating across institutions of higher education in the US: Lessons from the less commonly taught languages partnership. International Association of Applied Linguistics: World Congress of Applied Linguistics (Virtual).
Poole, F. (2021, June). Bringing computer science into the language classroom. International Association for Language Learning Technology Conference (Virtual).
Sommer-Farias, B. (2021, March). Tracing multilingual students’ approaches to genre awareness tasks in a foreign language. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference. Atlanta, GA, United States. (Remote).
Cornell, C., De Felice, D., & Lesoski, C. (2020, February). The (in)accessibility of language learning technology: Lessons from the classroom and online. Midwest Association of Language Learning Technology. East Lansing, MI, United States.
Sommer-Farias, B., Picoral, A., Novikov, A., Staples, S. (2020, July). Teachers’ perceptions of interactive DDL using a multilingual learner corpus. Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Perpignan, France.