CeLTA Professional Development Series

CeLTA is organizing a Professional Development (PD) series titled Trends and Innovations in Language Teaching for the Spring 2020 semester. Our PD presentations, scheduled on Tuesdays (1pm-2pm) and Fridays (3pm-4pm) focus on a variety of topics through different formats for language educators at all levels. Join us to gain deeper insights into ongoing trends in teaching methodology and to exchange resources and ideas in an engaging atmosphere! Pizza and soft drinks will be served at our Tuesday events and coffee and cookies at our Friday events. 

Interested in sharing your own ideas? Contact Sandhya Shanker at shankers@msu.edu.

Spring 2020 Dates

Unless indicated otherwise, all events are held in the CeLTA Main Space, B-135 Wells Hall.

Spring 2020 PD Series Flyer

Week Tuesdays 1-2pm Fridays 3-4pm
2 January 14: Town Hall Meeting  
3 January 21: CeLTA Lab Co-Design Introduction & Learning Spaces Tour (Felix Kronenberg, CeLTA)  
4 January 28: Teach with Film Clips! (Adam Gacs, Dept. of Linguistics & Languages)  
5 February 4: Getting the Most out of Flat-rate tuition: Content-based one-credit language classes (Anne Violin-Wigent, Dept. of Romance & Classical Studies)  
6   February 14: Creating Dynamic, Student-Centered Spaces for Learning and Assessment (India Plough & David Sheridan, RCAH)
7 February 18: Making Language Learning Tasks Accessible and Equitable (Kate Sonka & Caitlin Cornell, College of Arts & Letters)  
8 February 25: State of K-12 Teacher Preparation and World Language Instruction (Margo Glew, College of Education)  
  March 10: Language Works: Supporting the career development of language majors (Christie Schichtel, Excel Network)  
10   March 20: Integrating the Language Curriculum with a Text-based, Multiple Literacies Approach (CeLTA Signature Speaker) (Jennifer Redmann, Franklin and Marshall College) CANCELLED!
11 March 24 & 27: NO PD due to AAAL Conference  
12 March 31 & April 3: NO PD due to TESOL Conference  

April 17: Leading with Culture: How we redesigned the lower-level French curriculum (Anne Violin-Wigent, Matt Kanefsky & Hannah Olsen, Dept. of Romance & Classical Studies) CANCELLED

CeLTA PD Archive

Recordings of past PD sessions are shared here:

Online Workshops

Language Learner Training – Van Patten on SLA