Note: Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance, from an MSU email account, and are available for SPN 320 students only (until further notice).
1. Click on the button below to access our Bookings page:
2. For virtual appointments, click on the “30-minute consultation” (recommended for essays of 1 or less pages), the “45-min consultation” if you are unsure of how long you need/or if the essay is short but complex, or the “1-hour consultation” (for essays of 3+ pages).
3. For in-person appointments, click on the “In-Person Appointment at MSU Main Library” service.
4. Select a staff member and choose any of the time slots available on the day you selected.
5. Complete the form with your full name and your MSU email. Feel free to write down any information you think we need to know before your appointment.