Click here for information/resources from previous workshops!

Upcoming Workshops:

May 2019 LCTL Partnership Workshop

Where: Michigan State University (Wells Hall, East Lansing, MI)

When: Monday, May 13th – Tuesday, May 14th

Who: Up to two LCTL instructors are invited to attend from each Big Ten Academic Alliance Institution, in addition to those who already participate as Core and Affiliate Partners for our languages.


**Note: This workshop covers largely the same material as our May 2017/2018 Workshop. If you attended a May workshop before, please allow a different colleague to attend in your stead.**

You will have ample time to network and discuss issues with fellow LCTL instructors in addition to having focused sessions on the following topics:

  • Use and understand concept of reverse design
  • Examine proficiency standards that are relevant to your program and students
  • Dialogue about best practices regarding the use of authentic and designed materials in the classroom
  • Learn the basics about your rights and responsibilities when it comes to copyright and open access materials
  • Hands-on time after each topic to dig into concepts and make notes for follow-up actions needed

Interested in attending?: Communication has been sent to the LCTL Partnership contact for each Big Ten Academic Alliance Institution with more information. However, feel free to contact us and let us know that you would like to participate!

If you are not selected by your institution to attend this workshop, express your interest in attending workshops in the future! There will be one more workshop offered in spring of 2019!

Are you an attendee? Click here for logistical details!