The Sentimental Value of Language and Watches

For those of us who are lucky, a task that’s born out of necessity sometimes turns into a passion. Mitchel Thompson started learning French in middle school because he knew it was required in order to get his dream job one day—working in the watchmaking industry. In the process, however, he fell in love with the language and it became an obsession of its own right.

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Read more about the article (Dis)connection: The Personal Side of Language Learning
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(Dis)connection: The Personal Side of Language Learning

One word continued to resurface as Hannah described her first personal encounters with a foreign language: disconnected. Though she’d taken Spanish classes in high school, she hadn’t learned much. Coming from a small town, she says, the skill just wasn’t valued highly, and the class was seen as a blow-off.

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Forgetting Vocabulary, Remembering Empathy

When I reached out to Austin Kaufmann about an interview for our blog, he wasn’t sure he had a story we would want to publish, one that highlighted the transformative power of a language learning experience. He certainly had experience with languages, spending time living in Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, and Korea. His concern, however, was that since living in these countries, he had an experience shared by many learners: the saying preached by language teachers everywhere, “If you don’t use it, you lose it,” became true for Austin.

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