A Taste of France

The weather in Michigan is getting colder and colder, so let’s think back to sunnier skies and warmer breezes. For Jayla Irons, last summer meant intensive language classes, exploring châteaux, and hot summer nights in Place Plumereau, the hot spot for after-class dinners and drinks in the city of Tours, France.

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Unlikely Places

A college classroom is one of the ideal environments for learning a language. But sometimes due to issues of accessibility or availability, it just isn’t possible. Casey Orr (2024)’s perseverance has allowed her to find language education in unlikely places, like on the hillside of a tiny town in Portugal.

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Salina’s Summer Abroad

Anyone who has experienced it will tell you the same thing: if you’re lucky enough to have the opportunity and means to study abroad, do it. For many people, studying abroad is the highlight of their college experience. It is the perfect opportunity to learn about and appreciate other cultures and make memories that are both unforgettable and un-regrettable. For Salina Voegtly, that is exactly what her summer in Italy consisted of.

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